The present-day situation creates different conditions when new and old beliefs, and religions will have to adjust and exist in a new reality of the post-pandemic period.
Discussion questions:
1. No one anticipated neither the pandemic threat nor the consequences that followed. But where is religious foreknowledge, which has to have corresponding prognoses?
2. Quite a large number of priests and monks got infected with the coronavirus. This kind of tendency has a heavy influence on their followers (congregation) and raises many questions and uncertainty.
3. The judgment of the situation by adherents (of any given religion). Belief is what is meant to protect one from invisible. If any given belief was not able to guard a person, one may ask himself: to what extent it is dependable, and most importantly, to what extent it is indispensable, or should one seek for something else?
4. Weakness. None of the religious figures was able to tell what must be done in a time of this global threat.
Ph.D. Oleg Maltsev
Prof. Maxim Lepskiy
Prof. Liudmyla Fylypovych
Dr. Massimo Introvigne
Willy Fautre
Ph.D. Vitalii Lunov
It was broadcasted by “Unbelievable Science” on Facebook, please click here to watch it
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