Ph.D. Oleg Maltsev. About the outset of the pandemic

First, when we speak of the visible part of the pandemic it is about the reaction. Several months of analysis of how governments, businesses, societies, and industries are reacting to the epidemic has created a research field for me. The second important factor is the antecedent that led to consequences globally. The pandemic began almost four months ago, unexpectedly for the entire world community. Therefore, the reasons for it go beyond anthropological ones. Accordingly, there are three critical hypotheses of the occurrence of the epidemic.
The first one termed as an “unknown hypothesis.” On the one hand, such a pandemic is not something new for the world, but for most of the world population, it is a first-time incident. Unexpectedness became a critical factor — it caught off balance. Certainly, for those who observed a typical situation in the 1930s, it would be another disaster, but it is an utterly distinct event for a modern man. For a reason above, it is necessary to consider an “unknown hypothesis” and take into account when analyzing the pandemic scale.
The second hypothesis is economy-related, remember ancient saying “cui prodest“ (“Whom does it profit?”). The fact is that we all are observing how the world economy is drastically changing during this period. For instance, Warren Buffett sold his largest companies, German Lufthansa airline suffered a loss of 1.2 billion dollars, the list can go on and on. Who would have thought three months ago that such a stable company could be on the verge of bankruptcy? To put it simply, it looks like sheer sabotage —although — many reject this theory. Nevertheless, the current situation manifests all indications of sabotage. This is confirmed by the fact that some people took advantage of the situation, which is exceptionally anthropological.
The third hypothesis is the show: What if there is no pandemic in a way that is portrayed but an artificial setup? For example, in Germany, we see an emergence of an oppositional party that titled itself as “Resistance 2020” (Widerstand 2020) and in May, there were mass protests against restrictive lockdown measures. Protesters were from a rather diverse political spectrum: left, right, neo-Nazi to Christian associations, opponents of vaccinations and supporters of the “Q-Anon” organization. The party involves quite well-known and famous people: scientists, doctors, lawyers, bloggers and many others. Protesters went to demonstrations demanding explanations from Chancellor Angela Merkel regarding the pandemic related consequences in the country.
No less interesting situation has happened in France. Investigations revealed that the coronavirus was already in the country in December 2019 and not March 2020, as claimed. The aforementioned indicates that unknown people “brought” coronavirus to France much earlier. Meanwhile, from what we know, COVID-19 in China began in November 2019, about six months ago! A similar case took place in the UK, where leading British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson was fired, because of the sexual scandal, who advocated strict quarantine measures in the country and reinforced the simulation. UK scientific council dismissed him after he violated self-isolation rules himself. Besides, as reported, official statistics of morbidity in the UK were overestimated 25 times higher then it was. Thus, another reason for dismissal is apparent and his words will not be trusted any longer.
From my viewpoint, the current pandemic is only a “rehearsal”. To this date, some “imperfections” of the epidemic are already noticeable. In the monograph and articles about the pandemic, it was initially stated that, in my opinion, this is a large-scale setup show. Another confirmation is the statistics of mortality from archives in Germany for the last ten years; archival material shows that the numbers of previous years do not differ much from the current ones. Current events are like signs of a “show” — “spectacular disaster” in Baudrillard’s expression that did not really take place. Through the global web, social and mass media, a “special operation” has been carried out. The world population is kept in awe and countries quarantined. Expenses of such a special operation are certainly not comparable to profits as a result of all the consequences. For example, in residential and commercial real estate, there is a significant depreciation of millions of square meters and many other industries are severely affected, which is most likely advantageous for certain actors.
The fourth hypothesis is that the COVID-19 pandemic is an unfortunate global accident. This option should be taken into account, even though it is doubtful due to well-planned propaganda and media work. We already know that many media outlets (particularly in Germany) were bribed to spread disinformation. It is essential to consider the totality of all three reasons described in more detail in the monograph “How I was forced to study the psychology of Europe or the Moment of Truth.” Several chapters are dedicated to the pandemic and the response of society and governments to it. While looking into the pandemic, I spoke with 20 experts and opinions were divided as follows: 50% of those experts believe that it is a setup event; 30% adhere to their own different versions; 20% of experts adhere to the anthropological version. For instance, Ph.D. Don Pinnock’s research led him to conclude that pangolin meat (which was infected) is the cause of the pandemic (bats being at the beginning of the chain). Pinnock believes that the problem is in the pouching and illegal transportation of wild animals to Chinese and Vietnamese open markets.
By all means, all four hypotheses should be taken into account. It must be noted that I was in the epicenter of the pandemic crisis during the expedition to Portugal in March 2020 and faced difficulties when visiting Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany and Portugal. For obvious reasons, there were difficulties with closed supermarkets, hotels, borders, research facilities during expeditionary work. However, we saw the way things unfolded with our own eyes.
The key simulator of this situation is the coronavirus test. There were no coronavirus tests in the vast majority of countries, meaning that tests appeared only in 2020, already during the peak of the epidemic. Statistics presented globally are based on these tests, but they do not give anything as there are no statistics for the previous period. There is nothing to be compared with. For example, last year, Europe had a flu epidemic, but there was no panic, no death/infected statistics were actively spread, no tests were done to come up with statistics. Governments should have reacted the way they did previously, but they did not. Epidemic similar to this one took place in 2018 as well as in previous years. For example, in January 2020, about 80% of the staff of our research institutes became ill, at the same time 80% of Odessa residents also got sick with a severe viral disease, which was something similar to the current virus.
There was a shortage of medicines in drugstores because of high demand; however, ambulances did not make visits to all addresses as it was impossible to visit every patient who made the call, so they advised remotely. Despite the circumstances, the state did not introduce an emergency epidemic regime in January. Almost all people were sick and they safely recovered. However, today (in Ukraine) there is a “search” for coronavirus infected people, which has been going on for several months. In this case, we must ask the question: “What do we mean by the epidemic?”. If January was not an epidemic period, then what is an epidemic? It seems that an “epidemic” is an agreement of a particular conglomerate of individuals that the “epidemic exists.” It is an artificially declared event. It was sufficient to have several articles written by two questionable “scientists” from the UK on this topic (which were not verified or reviewed by anybody), and the next morning entire country(ies) were in a panic.
Certainly, the aforementioned does not relate to situations when people are actually ill. Therefore, an epidemic can be declared when people are sick; when there is a deficit of medicine; when hospitals are overcrowded with patients, etc. At the moment, for instance, Odessa is an absolutely healthy city, but it is on lockdown. Citizens who had a viral disease in winter were confined in their homes and some lost their jobs (but it was not considered to be an emergency period). The situation with the current pandemic is paradoxical. Some states introduced emergency-situation unnecessarily, which in turn has numerous irreversible negative consequences.
“…we are in a logic of simulation, which no longer has anything to do
with a logic of facts and an order of reason.”
Simulacra and Simulation, Jean Baudrillard
Ph.D. Oleg Maltsev
Author, researcher, criminologist, psychologist. Academician of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Founder and director of The Memory Institute, head of Expeditionary Corps. He is an author of numerous books in areas such as applied history, sociology, depth psychology, philosophy, criminalistics, criminology.